Join me at SQL Intersections in October 2016

In October, I will be at SQLintersection at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada.

You can visit the site to see the full lineup of sessions and workshops. I’m going to be presenting four, count them 4 sessions on SQL Server topics and 2 Workshops on PowerShell in SQL:

Be Friendly to SQL Server with TSQL Best Practices
TSQL is a necessity when interacting with SQL Server so knowing can be half the battle. Performance is always good as the database starts to grow, but building in resilience when you begin is a greater advantage than refactoring. I will go over 5 key things to know when you write TSQL, use DataTypes and/or variables in comparisons and you will also learn about the procedure cache and how to avoid pitfalls there. This is a beginners session but the concepts in this session are a great foundation to begin with. If you are looking for a solid foundation to build on and need the basics to start, this session is definitely for you.

SQL Server Filestream Implementation and Management
Filestream was introduced in SQL 2008 and has been a part of the engine since then. The reasons to use Filestream over BLOB has been talked about in many different ways and for many different reasons. I will take you through how to get SQL Server configured to use Filestream, what that means and how to implement a column that is of Filestream type. I will also go over where the files live and how to stream them outside of the SQL engine instead of pulling them through the engine. Join me for an in depth discussion on this technology. We will also touch on FileTables which was new in SQL 2012.

Managing Availability Groups with PowerShell
Today Availability Groups are all the rage. Being a PowerShell guy I prefer to manage things with PowerShell. The SQL team has granted us a great toolset in the SQLPS/SqlServer module that allows you to fully manage Availability Groups simply. Join me for a fun filled hour of PowerShell and Availability Groups, you won’t look at them the same way after we are finished.

SQL Server on Server Core with PowerShell
Ever wondered what the craze of Server Core is all about? There is a lot of power in Core and with it comes the admin challenge of NO GUI. But there are settings that you want to change in the OS, how do you do that? This session will take you through some of the challenges that are not really challenges when you know. We will use the builtin method of making some changes and also use PowerShell and commandline tools to get you where you want to be with Core. I built a 6 node cluster on Server Core and created it with PowerShell (Cluster and all) and it runs very nicely with a little footprint in RAM for the effort.


PowerShell for the DBA from 0-60 in a Day
Think of how many servers or instances you maintain. Putting tools in your toolbox becomes a critical part of your life as a DBA. How many clicks can be reused? We will be taking you from 0–60 and everywhere in between with how PowerShell fits into a DBA’s day in the life. We will go from getting PowerShell connected to SQL Server to walking away with a toolbox starter kit that will help you get automated and allow you to focus on harder problems than modifying database options or getting information from SQL Server and storing it away for later analysis. The toolbox alone will make it well worth your attendance.


PowerShell for the DBA from 60-120 in a Day
This is the next installment of becoming a PowerShell DBA. Now that you have been introduced to PowerShell and have an idea of what you can do, we take it to the next level and start you thinking about tool building and using PowerShell to actually manage instances. We take a look at modules you can use every day and then we talk about building your own modules. PowerShell is becoming more prevalent in the world of DBAs but still has not come to a level that I would like to see in our careers of working smarter not harder. We will be looking at practical items that you can use PowerShell to enhance because DBA work can contain a mass amount of clicking around if you only use Management Studio. We will take the challenge to remove as many clicks as possible from your daily management of databases and database servers. We cover Database Maintenance, monitoring and data gathering. We talk about managing SQL Server instances with PowerShell and last but not least, we will see how to use it to manage Jobs and SQL Server Agent. Join me in the quest to become an effective PowerShell DBA.

Join me in the quest to become a PowerShell DBA.

Hope to see you there!

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